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I've just read through the September 2008 issue of Scientific American, which was a special issue on privacy.
Among other articles, they printed the discussion of an industry panel on online security.
One of the participants was Steven Lipner, Senior director of security engineering strategy at Microsoft. On the topic of education or design he had this to say:
We need to take the burden of sophisticated education off the end user and get to the point where the technology is just helping the user be secure and you?re not imposing pop-up fatigue on users, because it?s counterproductive.
No sh*t, sherlock...
And when can we expect that great insight in actual Microsoft products
Vista definitely didn't follow this insight. Indeed, Vista's UAC system is proof positive of Mr. Lipner's insight. It is so annoying that people switch it off, with the result of Vista being less secure than XP.