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Object-Oriented Software Testing


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Table of Contents

Object-Oriented Software Testing

A Brief Meditation on the Essential Nature of Software Testing

Object-Oriented Testing Papers

Structure vs. Behavior

Traditional Testing Notions

Imperative vs. Declarative

Unit Testing Overview

Unit Testing Overview (cont.)

Integration Testing Overview

System Testing Overview

System Testing Overview (cont.)

Object-Oriented Software

Composing Errors Illustrated

Levels of OO Testing

Integration Testing

Integration Testing (cont.)

MM-Paths and ASFs Illustrated

ATM System Class Hierarchy

Example: ATM System

Digit Entry MM-Path Illustrated

PIN Entry ASF Illustrated


Observations (cont.)

The Hierarchical Approach

Hierarchical Approach Illustrated

Safe Components

Foundation Components

Integration Testing of Foundation Components

Integration Testing Problem Illustrated

Test Suites

Conditional Test Suite

Pre/Postconditions Illustrated

Hierarchical Incremental Test Suite

Hierarchical Incremental Test Suite (cont.)

Integration Test Suite

Integration Test Suite (cont.)

System Test Suite

Regression Test Suite


Author: Joachim Feise

Email: jfeise at ics dot uci dot edu

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Q: Why don't Scotsmen ever have coffee the way they like it? A: Well, they like it with two lumps of sugar. If they drink it at home, they only take one, and if they drink it while visiting, they always take three.
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